International Coalition "For Humanism!"
About us
Dear colleagues,
we are glad to invite you to participate in our annual conference on 29-30 April, 2007.

The Human Rights and the Rights of Nations

Any person interested in the subject may participate both as a listener or a contributor.
You may present the speech distantly in case you can’t attend the conference.
The participation in the conference is free.
The organizing committee reserves the right to choose what speeches to place on the Coalition web-site.
All suggestions should be sent to the organizing committee.
Any informational or material support would be very much appreciated.
We ask you to inform us about the form of your participation (speaker, listener; publication or presentation of your material) by 20.04.07.

Appeal of participants of the Coalition

The world civilization based on the principle of profit has entered the completion phase of the system crisis which adversely affects all aspects of life of the present-day mankind. The political instability; constant local wars reflecting hegemony and expansionism of the USA; economic injustice as a principle of economic activity; the injurious use of natural resources; globalization of ecological threats; biosocial degradation of substantial part of Earth population, caused by destruction of national cultures and national mentality under the pressure of morbific mass pseudo-culture, — these are just some of the most obvious manifestations of this crisis. Those at power express solely the interests of plutocracy, and under the conditions of the aggravating crisis they prove themselves incompetent and irresponsible, which is fraught with disastrous effects for the whole of humanity.

We, the participants of the International Coalition "For Humanism!" (founded in 1993), believe that an objective need for a humanist alternative to the present-day world order is becoming more and more acute. The mission of our organization is to actualize the related ideas in public consciousness and to search for ways of preventing most dangerous developments. One of the main dangers today is the destruction of national cultures. The reason is, the human mind is formed by one's native language and one's native culture, any mentality is always national, therefore degradation of national languages and cultures leads inevitably to mental deterioration in the coming generations. But the demented mankind will hardly be capable of humanist transformation. We appeal to all people of good will to raise your voice in defense of the human right for nationality and in defense of the related right of nations to resist to the expansion of the dementing international pseudo-culture.

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