Dmitry Ivanov
Lingwa de Planeta—a neutral international language
The speech at the X conference of the International Coalition "For Humanism!"
30.04.2006, St.Petersburg, Russia
When looking into the Future from the humanistic positions, it is
obvious that, in order to survive and develop, the humanity should
overcome animosity and unite. The role of a neutral international
language in the process is great. An international language is
generally needed, and now one of the national languages—English—is
used. On the one hand, it deserves such a status due to its beauty and
simplicity. However, on the other hand, English is not a neutral language, it gives indubitable advantage to the native speakers; so English-based integration involves inequality. This circumstance does not allow it to become a language of humanistic integration. That's why our last year
decision to adopt Esperanto as the language of our Coalition was
absolutely reasonable, as it is the most widespread neutral language.
However, at closer examination it becomes obvious that nor Esperanto,
created as long ago as 1887, quite satisfies the need for a neutral
language, for be it so there would not be any problems any more.
Undoubtedly, Esperanto is the most important experience in
interlinguistics, but hardly it is the best or final word in it,
although some of its principles will always live... In fact, even
before our previous conference we had an idea of creating a language of
a new type; some time ago we started to embody it. And now the core of
the language Lingwa de Planeta (LdP) is created
What should the language of humanistic integration look like? First
of all, it should be neutral. Then, it should be simple and easily
understandable for as many people as possible. There is a range of
other requirements, such as fidelity, harmoniousness, phonetical
acceptability for the most people, euphony. But this is not all.
Psychological acceptability is very important. People of a subjugated
country won't ever accept the invaders' language, even if they
understand it well. Hindi language had assimilated plenty of arabic
words, they became in fact native to the Hindus, but there is still
perception of these words as "not ours", and half-forgotten original
hindi words are being revived and used instead of well-known arabic
ones. So intelligibility is not everything, the quality of "being one's
own" is also crucial.
An international language should be created in such way that as many
people as possible would perceive it not only as neutral, but as a
language with a touch of their own native language. From this follows
that: 1) a constructed language should be based not on one or two
languages, but on many, it should include significant constituents
from, at least, most widely spoken natural languages; 2) it should be
naturalistic, it means there shouldn't be words spun out from thin air;
grammatical schemes should also be based on the realities of natural
languages and shouldn't disguise the living words too much. Such a
language would be psychologically acceptable for a large part, or even
majority, of the planet's population. It could provide a friendly field
for international communication and finding solutions independent of
the predominant culture in crisis. This is the idea of Lingwa de
LdP is being created on the basis of the ten most widely spoken
languages including Chinese and Hindi (one can't ignore Chinese
language, as the number of people speaking it compares well with that
of English, and the number of Chinese native speakers is twice as much
as native speakers of English. Now India's population, as we know,
grows fast and may catch up with that of China). The following
languages are taken: six european (English, German, Spanish,
Portuguese, French and Italian), Russian, Chinese, Hindi, and Arabic.
Italian is not among the 10 most widespread languages, but it takes
part in LdP, most international words coming from Latin. LdP also
includes words from other languages. In addition to natural languages,
we keep turning to Novial, created in 1930–40-s by an outstanding
Danish linguist Otto Jespersen. In my opinion this language is the best
among artificial languages. Unfortunately, it is based only on european
languages. Another constructed language we make use of is Esperanto, so
some esperantisms are present in LdP. These are the languages which
serve as a foundation for LdP.
The three principles which determine the creation of LdP are the following
The first one is a principle of maximum internationality. We take the
most international words, clear to most people. This principle
determined the fact that the bulk of LdP vocabulary is of Latin
origine. Latin roots have spread over the planet most widely. The word
"liberty" is "liberty" in English, "liberté" in French, "libertad" in
Spanish, "liberdade" in Portuguese, "liberta" in Italian... Thus it is
clear what root is to be taken for LdP. The same principle determines a
very important role of English, the today's international language.
Quite often it is English language that is given preferences to. It
should be noted that Otto Jespersen consequently followed the same
principle of maximum internationality creating his Novial, so a large
part of work has already been done by him. Great thanks to this
outstanding scientist. We use a lot of Novial roots.
The second principle is that of noticeable participation of every
taken natural language. Here it is important to know where to stop. Too
big a share of Chinese, for example, can complicate LdP studying for
the europeans. On the whole, I am satisfied with how Chinese integrates
into LdP. Chinese words are brief, beautiful and distinctive, now all
these features are important. Phonetical features of Chinese language
do not let us take much, but it is possible to take what is significant
and used often. There are not too many chinese words in LdP, but they
are really important, hardly any conversation can do without them:
shwo—to speak, yao—to want, hao—good, well.
On the whole we plan to have about 15 percents of non-european
vocabulary, which is quite a lot, because this is the most frequent
vocabulary. And this is how we solve the problem that the first and the
second principles may partly contradict to each other. This solution
provides simlicity for the europeans as well as a noticeable role (a
smack) of non-european languages.
When we select words, our preferences lie with those that sound at
least partly similar in several languages and, what is more, do not
have any unneeded connotations in others. For example, we wanted to
take Hindi "mata" for "mother", but in Spanish "matar" means "to kill,
to murder", so we decided to take another word. Of course you can't get
rid of all possible unneeded connotations but some effort in this
direction is desirable. The task is to combine the combinable, to find
a harmonious whole for reconcilable components of different languages.
The third principle is a principle of moderate naturalism. LdP words
should be similar to the words of the natural languages, but
word-formation should be as regular as possible. We tried to find here
a golden mean between naturalism and schematism (both have advantages
and disadvantages) partly by replacing natural irregularities with a
simple scheme, partly by leaving it as it is. Thus, for example,
various Latin prefixes im-, in-, ir- are replaced by non-, so
"impossibility" is "nonposiblita", though "imposiblita" would have
sounded more natural for the europeans. Adjectives with suffix -able
are regularly generated from verbs, for example, "visible"is "vidable",
not "vizible" which would have been more familiar to the europeans. At
the same time we have left such irregularity as transposition of 't'
into 's' when producing nouns from verbs: admita—admision,
reflekta—refleksion. Although, I have to say, that it is an
understandable irregularity (flexion -tsion naturally transforms into
-sion), and there is a great advantage in it, for the words are
recognizable and phonation is natural. Due to an extremely broad
occurence we have left such a naturalism as "vita"—"life", while "to
live" is "viva", i.e. alternation is preserved. Affixes in LdP repeat
natural languages' affixes for the most part.
About phonetics. Much is done to reduce phonetical obstacles between
languages. Many languages do not have such sound as [z] (Scandinavian,
Chinese). Therefore words are composed in such a way that this sound is
not sense-distinguishing (unlike Esperanto's or Ido's "rozo—roso"). In
LdP representatives of these languages can read letter 'z' as [s]. The
Spaniards can read letter 'x' in the word "examen" as [eksamen], which
is natural for them. Then, Russian language doesn't have such a sound
as [w]. LdP has this sound, but it is not sense-distinguishing (as for
example in Ido "vesto—westo"), so it can be pronounced as [v]; we can
say both [lingwa] and [lingva]. LdP doesn't have different kinds of
[h], as Esperanto does. LdP doesn't have a special letter for the sound
[c], for it is uncommon for LdP. A lot was done for the convenience of
phonation: the most words end with a vowel, thus excluding cumbersome
combinations of consonants.
The LdP grammar is simple. Verbs have the same form for the infinitive, present tense and imperative; adjectives are invariable; except for plural endings and the ending -n for genitive, nouns are invariable too.
The LdP project is open for everybody interested. We need
specialists, people who know Hindi, Chinese and Arabic. If you get
interested, contact me by e-mail: We are working now to
create an English version of our site, so that people from various countries could take part in
the project.
Lingwa de Planeta site